So I finally get the chance to update and tell about Beckhams labor story. It's kinda funny but Luke and I were talking last Thursday about being ready for the baby to come and how we both thought that Friday would be the perfect day to have him. So in talking we decided that we were gonna do everything we could to make him come thinking that he was probably about ready anyways. So we started our plan with me going Thursday night for a pregnancy massage not only was it completely relaxing but they also did some reflexology which is supposed to help put you into labor. After my massage we swung by wal-mart to pick up some castor oil because after reading hundreds of stories online I had finally decided I was willing to give it a try. We woke up the next morning and I took the castor oil with oj at 8:30 (it wasn't too bad really) and went for a walk. We had been doing lots of walking the past week. The castor oil didn't do much for me and by late that afternoon I was pretty bummed really, so I decided to try again and took one more dose at 7:30 p.m. Luke and I started a movie late and still nothing was happening but then at 11:30 while watching a movie and getting a foot rub I had a major contraction, which was the beginning. By one o clock I was packing and knew my contractions weren't going to stop so we dropped Chalyn off at Luke's brothers and went to the hospital. I was still at only a 3 and 70% (much to my surprise) and I was having really bad back labor so as soon as they decided to keep me I had my epidural(I was planning natural but back labor was way harder than Chalyn's easy labor). My water broke just before five, the doctor got there at 5:55 and I pushed for two contractions and he was here. It was so quick and painless (after I had my epidural of course). We came home from the hospital Monday morning and brought him home in this crazy snow storm. It's almost June for crying out loud! Since we've been home we have been doing awesome. Recovery seems almost too easy and it's so fun to finally have Beckham here with us!
Our sweet baby boy joined our family Saturday May 22nd at 6:07 a.m. He weighed 6lbs 10oz and is 19 inches long. We have had such a great experience with him so far and love him to death already. Chalyn has been so excited and is doing great with him thank heavens. Beckham has been doing so amazing and I feel unbelievably well. We are so blessed to have him and the joy that he has already brought is overwhelming! I will post more soon about everything but thought we would give everyone a sneek peak of our new family addition.
I went to the doctor today for my regular checkup and things went really well. First of all I had lost four pounds since last week so that was a great way to start things off. Then he checked me and I'm dilated to 3cm and am 75% thinned. I really am trying hard not to get my hopes up but I'm walking lots and trying to convince this baby to come soon.
So I met with the perinatologist yesterday to address my low fluid and to see if doing a version to turn the baby was an option for me. When I got there they had me do the ultrasound and fluid test before meeting with the doctor and to my surprise my fluid level was up from 6.5 to over 10 which is in the normal range, and even better than that the baby's head was down in position. I was so excited to say the least. It just goes to show what priesthood blessings and lots of prayers can do. So hopefully he will just stay and I can go ahead with a normal delivery. Thanks everyone for all your concern this week.
So I have a sister in law who just so happens to be a really talented photographer. I know I'm so lucky! Anyways she talked me into doing a maternity photo shoot a couple of weeks ago (at 33 weeks) and these are some of my favorite images. Thanks Hayley!
I have been married to my sweet hubby Luke for seven wonderful years and together we have a beautiful 5 year old little girl named Chalyn and a son Beckham who turned 2 in May. We are currently living in Southern Utah. I love being a stay at home mom and being married to my best friend. Life has been good to me!