So as you all know I have a thing for hair. When I was a little girl I would sit and play with dolls, only I wouldn't really pretend play with them I would just sit and comb with their hair for hours. When I got into high school I spent a lot of time figuring out new hairstyles for myself and took pride in my long blonde hair. That lead me to want to do hair school where I really figured out how much I love hair. I love combing, curling, coloring, styling, cutting, straightening, running my hands through and doing hair. So you can imagine how fun it was for me to have a baby girl who grew into a little girl with beautiful hair to style and play with. Most days it was a bonding experience to sit her up on my bathroom counter and chat and watch her funny faces in the mirror while I took the time to style her hair in fun new ways. so if you can also try to imagine then how devastated I was to wake up the other day to find a large chunk of that hair cut all choppy at the hands of said three year old little girl. I cried and cried and cried (Her response to those tears "It's okay mom Jesus will give me new hair" and then I got up and finished the haircut by trying to preserve what I could and cutting it into a pixie cut that has absolutely no styling options. I went out and bought bows and headbands and am trying to remind myself over and over that which my hairschool instructor taught me that "It's just hair"
8 years ago